I wake up in the morning excited about maintaining a healthy mind body and spirit. It is easy to destroy this positivity with negative spirits that exist around us. They want to keep us in depression and pain and don't want anyone to rise above. Remember being satisfied with life is in the minority and it took me years to figure that equation out. When I was an early aldolescent, I would swim with my sibling to the bottom of the deep end of the pool to see how long we could stay. That few seconds at the bottom of the pool were peaceful and then you would return to the chaos at the surface. If you look from the outside, the majority of lives seem to only exist in those few seconds of happiness with the majority in drama and peril. When you exercise, eat healthy, cleanse your body of toxins and keep your mind active in positivity it is like euphoria so that you are emotionally and physically ready for what comes your way. And it will. There is always a sinkhole, seemingly unreachable precipice, unrecoveravorable moment or wall of indecision waiting for all of us. But remember, your journey is your journey and no one else has experienced it. You make of it what you can and not what someone else can. Breathe air as if it is paid for. Enjoy sunlight like its on a timer. Take vivid mind pictures of every moment. You are who you want to be.
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